On Tuesday Feb. 28, the Associated Student Body held a formal senate meeting and passed three resolutions and two bills ranging from constitutional language technicalities to the “angel shot initiative.”
SR 23-4
Through Senate Resolution 23-4, the ASB endorses the implementation of the “angel shot initiative” in local bars. The “angel shot initiative” educates individuals on how to exit an unsafe situation while in an alcohol-serving establishment. Anyone who feels unsafe can go to an employee and order an “angel shot” which is a code letting the employee know the customer needs help.
While introducing the resolution, President Pro-Tempore Anastasia Jones-Burdick said ASB has been collaborating with Oxford Police Department for the past year. The resolution will include putting informational posters up in campus restrooms and making sure employees of local alcohol-serving establishments know how to use the code.
During the period of debate, Sen. Byron Swetman presented an amendment to include Sen. Ben Murphy as author of the bill alongside Jones-Burdick’s name.
The resolution passed unanimously with no debate.
SB 23-2
Senate Bill 23-2 makes several changes to Title II, Section 108 of the ASB code, specifically to the responsibilities of the senate committees. The main goal of this bill is to increase communication between the legislative branch and the executive branch, according to bill author Sen. Helen Phillips. Among other changes, the bill now requires a representative from the Committee on Governmental Operations to regularly meet with a representative from the Department of Justice.
The bill passed unanimously with no debate.
SB 23-3
Senate Bill 23-3 amends the ASB code by revising judicial procedures in Title III. The bill updates and details the procedures for complaints that ASB may receive, including Election Review Board appeal hearings.
The bill passed unanimously with no debate.
SR 23-5
Senate Resolution 23-1CW, renumbered as SR 23-5, passed unanimously by voice acclamation without debate and without author summation. This resolution will open a question of language technicality within Article V of the ASB Constitution. The question will be open to vote for Ole Miss students on MyOleMiss on March 28. The question will read as follows:
“Article V of the ASB Constitution outlines the duties of the Judicial Branch, in which there are approximately thirty (30) members who serve within the ASB Judicial Council. Would you like to change Article V Section 2 to remove the number ‘ten’ as the listed number of Judicial Council members and change the terminology from ‘quorum’ to ‘legal minimum’ to accurately reflect this number?”
SR 23-6
Senate Resolution 23-2CW, renumbered as SR 23-6, also passed unanimously without debate and without author summation. The resolution will also open a question for the student body to vote on through MyOleMiss on March 28. The question will read as follows:
“Article III of the ASB Constitution establishes the ASB Executive Branch, in which the ASB Executive Officers are to be elected by the student body for one full term on Spring Election Day. Would you like to change Article III Section I to require Spring Election Day be ‘no later than the fourth Tuesday in March’?”
This would change Article III, which currently states that the election will be held on the fourth Tuesday in March.