The Associated Student Body held a formal senate meeting Tuesday, Nov. 9. Two bills were presented and passed.
Bill 22-17: Executive officers must disaffiliate from Greek organizations during campaign season
In a 33-2-1 roll call vote with one “no” vote, ASB senators passed Bill 22-17, stating executive position officers must disaffiliate from their Greek organization during campaign season.
There was extensive debate from the senators about the exact stipulations included in this disaffiliation. President Lila Osman gave an example of an officer leaving the GroupMe for their respective Greek organization and refraining from going to chapter meetings during campaign season. The bill passed with the understanding that the committees will further define “disaffiliate” in the coming weeks.
Attorney General Maddy Ryan, who presented the bill, said there were certain events that occurred during the past election cycle that prompted the creation of this bill. The events, according to Ryan, are confidential.
Bill 22-7: The honors college make blood donation a permanent option for Community Action Challenge hours
In a unanimous vote, ASB senators passed Bill 22-7, making blood donation a permanent option for students in the Sally McDonnell Barksdale Honors College to gain CAC hours.
Liberal arts Sen. and Chair of the Student Life Committee Taylor Kelly, while presenting the bill, explained that she hopes this legislation will benefit both honors students and the Oxford community.
“I think that keeping accessibility open for students to get their CAC hours while simultaneously helping our community benefits everyone involved,” Kelly said.