The Board of Alderman voted on Tuesday to hold a public hearing on additional provisions to last May’s smoking ban ordinance.
The three provisions add restrictions to Oxford’s current smoking ban, which prohibits the use of vape pens or e-cigarettes in establishments in town.
The first provisions specify a restriction on the possession of vape devices for people under the age of 21. The second mirrors state law, restricting students from possessing any such devices on any school campus, and the third is a restriction which mirrors federal law on selling or distributing these devices in any capacity to anyone under 21 years old.
Chief Jeff McCutchen of the Oxford Police Department proposed the additional ordinance, which focuses on specific vaping devices.
“Due to some issues that we’re seeing — especially in our kids — we felt like being more proactive and trying to step in and deal with the primary thing that they’re interested in, which is that electronic smoking device,” McCutchen said.
While he supported the proposal, Alderman John Morgan raised concerns about the new provisions targeting college students.
“If we were a city with just a high school, it’s a no brainer. But we have a university, and I’d just hate to see us just flustering university kids for having these,” Morgan said.
After a brief discussion, the board decided to proceed and hold the public hearing at the next regular meeting, which will take place Feb. 18.