Amongst demanding classes, social obligations and football games that shut the town down, it’s easy to get bogged down and forget everything the campus and Oxford have to offer. One of the
With roads closed, walkways blocked off and green fences everywhere, it feels like campus is constantly under construction and students are never able to truly enjoy all it has to offer. Luckily,
Whether it’s your first time in the Grove or your last football game as a senior, use these tips as a refresher course on how to survive and thrive at the greatest
The film “Won’t You Be My Neighbor?” rode the double-decker bus (or in this case, the trolley) into Oxford on Friday and offered a reminder that Mister Rogers’ message of love and
On a county road north of town, Chicory Market finds its home in a shed-like gray building with the market’s name painted on the front in huge block letters. The shelves of
Stepping out of my car, the first thing I noticed was how empty the museum parking lot was. Only two other cars had parked at the Bailey Woods trail head. I was
Nature has inspired some of the world’s most beloved artists of all stylistic backgrounds, from Van Gogh’s “Starry Night” to Winslow’s “Sunlight on the Coast.” Some of the best-known paintings – even
With all of the fresh ingredients found at farmers markets and food stands during the summer, the monthslong break from school can be the perfect time to cook in the kitchen. Cooking
A monthly tradition hosted by the Yoknapatawpha Arts Council, the Oxford Art Crawl features the best of the creativity in the Velvet Ditch, and each year as the art gets better, the