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Opinion2 - Page 62

dm opinion

Opinion: Responding to Nov. 3 statue column

This column is responding to Will Hall’s column “Statue opinion must be challenged” published Nov. 3. Will Hall’s opinion is nothing new, and it might even seem compelling. “Confederate symbols exist to
November 6, 2017
dm opinion

Opinion: Wicker the clear choice for Mississippi

This guest column is in response to Will Hall’s column “Elect McDaniel, oppose establishment” published Oct. 16. As our country’s two major parties begin preparations for the 2018 midterm elections, Mississippi’s U.S.
November 1, 2017
dm opinion

Opinion: Why contextualization doesn’t work

Essentially, contextualization doesn’t work with Confederate statues in public spaces because it’s a policy based exclusively on the white experience. It pleases nostalgic fans of cherry-picked, sanitized history and guilty white “liberals”
October 30, 2017
dm opinion

Opinion: The dangers of social media

Social media: It’s a part of our lives, especially as young people. I’m suspicious of baby boomers telling this generation that it’s lazy or useless because of social media, but that doesn’t
October 27, 2017
dm opinion

Opinion: Christ versus stress

Stress is something all people deal with throughout their lives. However, as university students, we go through a unique kind of stress. Our entire lives are set out before us, and most
October 26, 2017
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