Get out your Grove shoes, grab your clear purse and then realize how uncomfortable your Grove shoes are. Promptly take them off, and then decide your outfit won’t be Instagrammable without it.
We all know the struggle. Whether you’re involved in game day festivities once a year or once a week, y’all should know the do’s and the don’ts of Groving.
Hydrate, y’all. The literal first few letters of hydrate are H.Y.D.R.
That’s a bit of a stretch, but seriously.
If you do anything on game day, drink water. This is no self-care column, but making sure you can have as much fun as possible is absolutely dependent on how good you’re feeling. No one has a good time with a headache and dehydration.
Function over fashion
This may be a given, but if you’re anything like me, you might want to look your best, even if it means being uncomfortable.
This ain’t it, friends. We want to look our best, but also feel our best. If you have to sub out heels for walking, do it. Nobody likes blisters that take forever to heal. If you have this option, bring a bag with picture perfect shoes, and slide them off once you’re done.
Dress for the weather, pals. It’s getting colder, and layering is always ideal. If it’s hotter than you thought, leave the sweater in the car.
Aretha Franklin knows what’s up. Sure, I want us to beat A&M as much as the next guy, but leave it to Plumlee, please.
Sure, they might retort to our “Are You Ready,” chant, or say unsportsmanlike things. Let it go. Put your faith in a higher power, like Matt Luke, and indulge in your favorite Grove snacks.
Have a good time, not a hard time.
Serious inquiry, where do the squirrels go during game days? I haven’t seen a single one.