“The Hunger Games” franchise took the world by storm in 2008 when Suzanne Collins released her first novel, “The Hunger Games.” She soon completed the trilogy with “Catching Fire” and “Mockingjay.” The first film adaptation, directed by Gary Ross, was released in 2012.
Set in Panem, a dystopian version of the U.S. split into 12 districts, the series follows Katniss Everdeen as she competes in the Hunger Games, a brutal, mandatory competition that promises the winner and their family financial security. The box office revenue for the first movie in the franchise was $694.4 million; the second movie grossed $865 million.
The overwhelming critical acclaim inspired Collins to create a prequel for the series: “The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes.” The book was released in 2020, and its movie adaptation is coming to theaters on Nov. 17.
The excitement for the movie has spread to the Ole Miss campus. As students prepare for Thanksgiving break, they are also getting ready to delve into the dystopian world they were introduced to years ago.
“‘The Hunger Games’ is one of those rare franchises that easily appeals to both kids and adults,” senior English major Sayla JoElle said. “In a way, it feels timeless because all of my friends have watched the series evolve from a young adult book series into the huge franchise it is today, and it feels nostalgic.”
For some, “The Hunger Games” ties in with holiday festivities, presenting an opportunity for family and friends to gather and reminisce.
“I’m really excited to go watch ‘The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes’ with my mom during Thanksgiving break,” junior international studies major Sophia Trombley said. “I have some great memories of watching the original trilogy with my family on Thanksgiving, so I’m looking forward to continuing that tradition with them.”
“The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes” details the rise of the character that fans love to hate, President Coriolanus Snow, during the 10th annual Hunger Games.
Collins’ new creative work will feature a new heroine called Lucy Gray Baird, the District 12 tribute for the 10th annual games. In a surprising contrast to the original trilogy’s premise, Baird’s mentor for the games is Snow. As time goes on, Snow begins to develop feelings for Lucy. The movie follows Snow’s budding love for Lucy and dives into the culmination of the world Katniss lives in.
To promote the movie, Olivia Rodrigo released new song “Can’t Catch Me Now” on Nov. 3 as the soundtrack’s lead single.JoElle expresses that her excitement for the film is amplified by the tune.
“I am so excited to hear the movie’s soundtrack. It features a new song by Olivia Rodrigo, and I think having some original music for the movie is going to make it really memorable,” JoElle said.
“The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes” is coming to theaters on Nov. 17.