Sergeant Justin Mitchell enjoys watching the organized chaos of the Grove unfold. Mitchell, who has served on the University Police Department for eight seasons, is among the multitude of University Police Department
As eager students and fans make their way to the stadium from the Grove on Saturdays, stadium workers are finishing up their final tasks for the game. Stadium set up starts with
The time is 6:55 p.m. on Friday, the sun is slowly setting behind the clouds and people have surrounded the perimeter of the Grove and the Circle. Others are loitering around the
When students and fans finally make their way into the stadium, they are greeted by the loud music and bright lights from the jumbotron. Paris Buchanan, the Assistant Athletic Director for Marketing
The eyes of the college football world will be focused on Oxford this Saturday when ESPN’s College GameDay visits the Ole Miss campus for the second time ever. Every Saturday, ESPN’s College
Bars on the Square have adopted many new health and safety regulations, but game days are still attracting bigger crowds and the evermore common issue of enforcing the new rules. “People
You don’t have to be a football fan to go to Ole Miss, but when many of the campus buildings are closed during home games, it sure does feel like it. The
Get out your Grove shoes, grab your clear purse and then realize how uncomfortable your Grove shoes are. Promptly take them off, and then decide your outfit won’t be Instagrammable without it.
The new downtown parking garage, located northwest of the Square between Jefferson and Monroe Avenues, is set to open on Tuesday. Construction of the garage has taken just over a year, and