The University of Mississippi’s Turning Point U.S.A. chapter hosted an event, “Campus Battleground with Will Witt,” on campus for students and the public Tuesday night. Author Will Witt spoke to students and community members in attendance about a range of political topics. The event is part of a national tour of colleges Witt is doing to promote his book, “How to Win Friends and Influence Enemies.”
The event, which took place in Bishop Hall 209, was observed by an audience of roughly 60 people. Witt, a conservative influencer, frequently has his events on college campuses disrupted by protesters. However, despite police and First Amendment Support Team presence, no protesters made themselves visible.
Witt covered a variety of political topics, such as freedom, the vaccine, cancel culture, border control and conservative and liberal ideals.
“What is the nature of the left? The nature of the left is chaos,” he said. “The only thing the left knows how to do is destroy. That is all that they do. All this socialism and communism that they preach about. That’s chaos.”
Witt frequently garnered applause from the enthusiastic crowd who clapped in support of Witt’s opinions and ideas, like when he shared his thoughts on public schooling.
“I actually believe in abolishing the public schools in America,” Witt said, before pausing for applause. “It was made to create children that were obedient to authority. And that is exactly what we have in America today. It has been totally exacerbated in the sense that you no longer are being taught how to critically think or how to look at different issues and take them not just at face value and actually question things. It is more just about how we can indoctrinate you and teach you this exact same thing. I teach you remote memorization, and just as you go into the world, you repeat all of these things you’ve heard. So I think that abolishing the public schools is actually the best thing that we can do for America.”
Turning Point U.S.A. is non-profit organization that aims to “identify, educate, train and organize students to promote the principles of fiscal responsibility, free markets and limited government,” according to their website.
The organizers of this event were unable to be reached by the time of publication.